Archive | Oracle

Zend_Db_Statement_Oracle Cursor Results

This one took me a while to figure out, so I thought I would do an entry for it. These instructions aren’t actually tied to the Zend_Db_Statement_Oracle class in the Zend Framework. I’ve just been using the Zend Framework in the application that this information is from. Problem I’ve been using the Oracle database for […]

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Zend_Db Oracle Functions/Procedures

For some reason, this was a nightmare to figure out. All I wanted to do was call an oracle function from the Zend Framework using PDO_OCI as my database adapter. After a FULL DAY of research and testing, I finally found some code that works! The Database Adapter I use a configuration file for my […]

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Common Java Keytool Commands

Most of this content references the following site. If you want to see comments related to this information, this is a good place to find them. For a full list of keytool commands, you can visit the following link. Java Keytool is a key and certificate management utility. It allows users to manage their own […]

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