Archive | 2011

ColdFusion CFGrid Modifies Date and Time

I ran into a strange error with ColdFusion and CFGrid recently. It seems that when using timestamps, loaded from a database, within the CFGrid, CFGrid will modify the time so that it displays based on the time zone of the computer that is running the application (e.g. if the time is saved as 08:00 on […]

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WordPress Blank Media Upload Window on Mac

There appears to be an issue with WordPress and Macintosh when using the “Media Upload” tool. Most of the time it works just fine, but in some situations the media upload screen is blank; both in the media area and when trying to add images to posts. At first, I thought this might be an […]

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Common OpenSSL Commands

These are some common commands that can be used with OpenSSL. Much of this information can be found in the related blog: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. In addition, some good documentation can be found at Certificate Generation and Signing Generate a new private key and matching Certificate Signing Request (eg to send to a commercial […]

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How to setup SSL on WAMP

Alright. I Just finished setting up a WAMP server (wampserver) on Windows 7 using virtual hosts and SSL. I’m going to try and outline the steps in this post. This tutorial should apply if wampserver has already been installed and virtual hosting has been enabled (The “LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/” has been uncommented in the http.conf […]

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WordPress TincyMCE Editor Removes Attributes

For anyone that has used WordPress, you may have realized that it uses a customized installation of the TinyMCE text editor. You may have also realized that TinyMCE is setup to manage, and clean, html as you work with it. If you switch between the “Visual” and “HTML” modes, you will see what I mean. […]

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Common Java Keytool Commands

Most of this content references the following site. If you want to see comments related to this information, this is a good place to find them. For a full list of keytool commands, you can visit the following link. Java Keytool is a key and certificate management utility. It allows users to manage their own […]

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